Monday, February 16, 2009


Yesterday we went to Carnevale in Northern Tuscany, it was so awesome! This is the traditional celebration before Lent begins. It is similar to Halloween in that people wear costumes and hats and masks, but also similar to a fair, with music, food, booze and lots of fun! The highlight of the festival is the parade, which is several floats that are HUGE!! and made of paper mache. They move and make noise, and people wear costumes on the floats. Many of them are models of political figures in Italy, and there was one of Obama, which was exciting to us American girls :)

The bus ride was pretty fantastic too, it was on a nice country like freeway, similar to HWY 1, and a view of the Ligurian Sea. This sea borders the west coast of the country. The Carnivale took place right along the waters edge, so at the end of the day, after much fun, we enjoyed huge delicious gelato cones and the sunset on the seashore. 

Hope you all spent your Valentines with the ones you love, I was thinking of you all and wish you a wonderful week. 

Ciao Bella Mio Amichi 

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