Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dislikes in Italia

OK, so besides the fact that the three main smells in Italy are cigarette smoke, dog poo and exhaust, I have discovered my second dislike in Italy

One word. Thunder. It is sooooo loud in Italy!!!! For those of you who know me well, know that I am not a fan of thunder and lightning. I know that it can't hurt me, that it will not come out of the sky like a scary rhinoceros as in the children's movie James In The Giant Peach, but nonetheless, I still find it scary. It keeps me up at night, and makes me run home from class.

As a child, I remember waking up to the sound in the middle of the night and running from my room to my brothers room and sleeping the rest of the night with him because it was the only way I was able to sleep.

Maybe I will someday grow out of this, but for now, it remains on the top 5 things I am most fearful of. 

It is raining here now, I am finished with class for the day and am home to make some hot cocoa and read my book. Ciao Bella a tutti

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