Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Food For Thought

This is what I do for living, think of food. How totally awesome is that!? This week has been so hectic, with midterms and some friends fro California coming to visit. I am so glad they are here, and can't wait to go to Greece on Saturday and get a little vacation in. Relaxing on the white sand will be quite a treat!

My midterms have gone pretty well, I think. I HOPE! Wine was so hard, I think that I am just not cut out for the scientific way of tasting wines. I enjoy them, and love to try new wines, but when it comes to telling you what the aromatics are, or where the grape originates from. I just don't have that palate. Maybe I will get better if I practice, but the blind tasting as part of my midterm was very hard!!

Italian was possibly the second hardest, although wasn't really too bad. I went over the verbs in my head for hours, and practiced saying them outloud, which always helps to get down the spelling of the words, so I am hoping I did well on that exam. All the others went well, its amazing how much fun it is to study and take notes on information and ideas that I really care about. I LOVE to read my text, to learn about different creative pasta uses and where certain mushrooms are grown. Its interesting to read about other chefs creative use in the culinary world, cheese parings and new sauces. I often just sit at night in bed and read, till all hours of the night!! I can't wait to put all this new knowledge to work with Riverview Farms Catering and really dive into this passion of mine! Who knows where the food will take me!!

Melissa and Jessica got here yesterday, they pulled up to the front of our apartment building and I heard the taxi door close. I stood up and screamed out the window, I was so excited to see faces from home! We got their bags upstairs and we decided to walk around the city. The girls wanted gelato so we stopped at this little place on the street just down the street from the Duomo. After choosing our flavors, licking our cones and happy campers, we went inside to pay. The cashier, ever so politely, said " Nine Euros Each, please." I was SHOCKED!! Thats what we get for not paying attention to how much the scoops were, and even though it was soo soo good, but not worth the nine euros. I am not eating the rest of the week, as I am on strike for paying so much for gelato.

We leave for Greece on Saturday morning, the bus leaves from the train station at 9am and we are on it for close to 5 hours. We then reach the port where we board the cruise that takes us to the islands. This is a 14 hour cruise, so it should be fun. There is a movie theatre and restaurants aboard the ship!!

I will wrote more when I return back to Florence. Miss you all, ciao bella

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