Monday, April 6, 2009


Hi there everyone, just a quick post to let everyone know that I am alright here in Italy. The earthquake that occurred at about 3:30am this morning happened about two hours south of me, and it was very devastating to the country. The death count is over 100, and there are still several people missing. Please join us all in a prayer for the families and friends effected by this event, and keep them in your thoughts as you go through this week. I want to take a minute to tell all of you how much I love and miss you, and think about you all, and am very grateful to have so many friends and family members who care about me. Glad to be safe here in Italy, and will keep you updated on the next 6 weeks of my Italian life. Ciao Bella!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Carly, it's Danielle! Glad to know you're OK after the quake, when it happened I thought of you! Love your blog and can't wait to see photos...I'm in the process of uploading all of mine, let me know what your e-mail address is so I can send them to you :)