Wednesday, April 22, 2009

They're Here!!

Americans, Americans, everywhere, Americans!!

It is true. Travel season is upon us, and I never thought I would feel like we were being invaded, here in Italy, since I AM American and only living in Italy temporarily. The lines are longer, the streets are fuller, and there is more and more english speakers filling the city to the brim. Its exciting in a way, hearing the familiar sounds of children yelling in English, and hearing people speak to one another in a language I know so well. I remember back to the first week we were here, all of us roaming the streets with maps in hand. I can't remember the last time I looked at a map of Florence, it seems like I have been here so long that I just know my way around.

On my way home from class today, I was walking in the piazza near the Duomo, and there were two American women standing outside the cafe reading a map and looking very confused. I stopped next to them and politely asked if they needed some help. "She speaks english!" They squealed, and I chuckled. Yes, I do. :)

The asked me for some directions to a famous church in the town, and I gave them a nice route by the river to walk, and also pointed out the same way of the map so they would be able to follow the names of the streets. I asked them where they were from, and how long they would be guests in Italy. They were very impressed with me living here and attending Culinary School. I always get such warm reactions when I tell people what I am doing here, it makes me smile. I told them of a few places they should visit here in Florence, and explained the wonderful tradition of Aperitivo, which everyone MUST attend atleast once while they are here. Its such a fun thing to participate in, and a wonderful way to eat and drink for an cheaper one time price!

Class was amazing today, tuna and anchovies. I am learning so much here, and really enjoying the new techniques that I can bring home to Riverview Farms Catering and to my family and friends!

Ciao Bella

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